The Attack Of The Google Panda Update | 3arn.Net

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

The Attack Of The Google Panda Update | 3arn.Net

The Attack Of The Google Panda Update

Posted: 21 May 2011 04:29 PM PDT

Before you let the post title mislead you into thinking that Google trained an army of pandas to take over the internet, let me clarify. The panda (or farmer) update has been named after some Google engineer who wrote this update to bring down the article farms who were providing Adsense loaded articles of low quality. Being kinda slow to do write-ups on Google Algorithm changes, as usual, I must explain how happy I am with this update.

How often have you googled something important and were eventually led to an article fully loaded with ads? And after finding a way to read through the ads, you discover that the article was not helpful at all. Google has finally brought these websites down for good. I’m not particularly talking about made for adsense websites, but I’m talking more along the lines of Ezine Articles or WiseGeek.

I’ll start by explaining my frustration with Wise geek is an informational website that contains over 50,000 articles. Apart from the  traditional “how to” articles, this website targets “What is..” articles. So if you were ever searching for something like “What is a credit card?”, this website would come first.

Google Panda Update

Since the website was old, had hundreds and thousands of indexed pages, and a lot of editorial backlinks, this website had a lot of authority in the eyes of Google. The authority was so much, that the website would dominate a spot in the google top 3 rankings for almost any keyword it would target in it`s articles.

The typical article is a near 500 word, half helpful article. Along with the articles are huge Adsense blocks carefully embedded to fool the visitor for normal links. I’m a webmaster who plays with ads all the time, and I found that to be irritating. I can only imagine what the rest of the people would’ve thought about it.

Well, long story short, Google punished and other websites of the sort who were either loaded with ads or had low quality articles on them. This update was much needed and finally Google SERPs have gotten rid of big websites that added little value and were getting a lot of traffic for no reason. Webpronews published a whole list of the the winners and losers in the panda update.

To my knowledge there isn’t really any small website that has been affected by this update in terms of more search traffic or less search traffic. At least, the search traffic at my websites has remained constant and I’m glad google took this initiative to punish the big ones. To be honest, these website had it coming.

Let me know if you know of any smaller websites that have been affected by this update and why. If you’re not sure whether your website has been affected or not, then just compare your search traffic of march with February. If you see a different trend than the previous month then there is a chance that your website has been affected as well.

The daily list of new topics in 2011-05-10

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Daftar topik yang ditambahkan setiap hari pada tanggal 2011-05-10

  1. Syarah Hadits '…aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari fitnah fakir' ( Indonesia )
  2. Syarah Hadits Halal, Haram Dan Syubhat ( Indonesia )
  3. Syarah Hadits Jangan Marah ( Indonesia )
  4. Syarah Hadits '…Katakanlah: Aku beriman, kemudian istiqamahlah' ( Indonesia )
  5. Syarah Hadits Doa Nabi SAW Setelah Subuh Ya Allah, berilah aku ilmu yang bermanfaat, rizqi yang halal dan amal yang diterima.' ( Indonesia )
  6. Syarah Hadits Hadits Jibril Tentang Islam, Iman Dan Ihsan ( Indonesia )

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O-OM.COM | Blogger Tutorial Plus Blogger Templates

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

O-OM.COM | Blogger Tutorial Plus Blogger Templates

Link to Blogger Templates - Blogger Tutorial

ZoomTemplate App (beta) Sudah Tersedia Untuk Google Chrome

Posted: 09 May 2011 02:35 AM PDT

Hari ini saya resmi merilis ZoomTemplate App khusus untuk Browser Google Chrome. Walaupun masih dalam tahap versi uji coba, saya yakin aplikasi ini sangat berguna buat rekan yang ingin dengan mudah mencari blogger templates gratis atau sekedar melihat update template terbaru tanpa harus membuka halaman ZoomTemplate terlebih dahulu. Memang Aplikasi ini terlihat sangat sederhana dan jujur saja memang masih dalam tahap pengembangan, tapi semoga saja dalam waktu dekat saya bisa melengkapi semua kekurangannya :)

Untuk cara installasi Zoomtemplate App sangatlah mudah sekali, seperti halnya browser Firefox yang memiliki Add-On, Browser Google Chrome juga memiliki Extension dalam bentuk Web Store sebagaimana aplikasi pihak ketiga yang ada pada Firefox. Yang rekan lakukan hanyalah mengunduh aplikasi Zoomtemplate ini dan silahkan mencobanya :)


Cara Installasi:

- Jika belum memiliki Browser Google Chrome silahkan download dulu disini

- Silahkan buka Google Chrome rekan

- Kunjungi Zoomtemplate App dan Lakukan Installasi (jangan lupa beri vote dan komentar ya)

- Kalau sudah maka akan muncul icon kecil khas di sebelah kanan Address Bar rekan pada Google Chrome rekan.

- Selesai..sangat mudah sekali dan selamat mencoba aja ya :)

The daily list of new topics in 2011-05-08

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Daftar topik yang ditambahkan setiap hari pada tanggal 2011-05-08

  1. Syarah Hadits Niat ( Indonesia )
  2. Syarah Hadits Tentang Hak Jalan ( Indonesia )

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Youtube Founders in for a Delicious treat? | 3arn.Net

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Youtube Founders in for a Delicious treat? | 3arn.Net

Youtube Founders in for a Delicious treat?

Posted: 03 May 2011 03:08 PM PDT

Like other Delicious (bookmarking site) users, I also received an email on the 27th of April mentioning its acquisition by Youtube founders, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. Yes, these were the two geniuses, along with Jawed Karim, who founded the most popular video sharing website in the world. Following the acquisition of Youtube by Google in 2006, I haven’t really heard of anything from these guys.

What is undoubtedly true of these pioneers is that they certainly know how to build a community. Youtube isn’t even a proper social network, it is just a platform where you can ‘Broadcast yourself’. But these two men have built it into this internet giant that it is today. Youtube, at one time, had the most interactive community on the internet.

Yahoo! made a statement last year about its intention of discontinuation of delicious from its social media ‘arsenal’. With the deal being closed after 5 months, it seems that either they had a tough time finding a buyer or they really were concerned on handing it over to a company that could “make more sense of the service”.

Whichever the case, according to speculations and rumors, the deal was closed around the $5 million mark. Educated guesses were that Yahoo! acquired Delicious in 2005 for somewhere between $15 million and $30 million. Now, it would be unfair to make judgements on the Yahoo! product management based on rumors about the purchasing and selling price, so I would leave that part to a side for now.

Although Yahoo! claimed that Delicious would make more sense with someone else, one might think that why Yahoo! failed to make sense of it. The fact that it bought Delicious for a double digit million dollar figure and sold it, most probably, at a loss is a more-than-clear indicator of its failure to achieve its acquisition goals. Obviously, it wasn’t making much money either.

Delicious might’ve been a much bigger and more useful tool had it grown to the masses properly. It had (and still has) the one feature Google lacks: Direct user input. Delicious maintained a user community where people shared and bookmarked links on the internet that they found interesting. With that edge, many anticipated Delicious to become the next big thing after Yahoo! acquired it. Too bad things didn’t work out the way they were meant too.

As a delicious user and fan, I’m super excited with this acquisition because these two social media pioneers may just add the well-needed push to delicious to take it to the next level. After all, the internet is now evolving into web 3.0. Will these people be able to establish a system to improve delicious and bring it to the top 50 internet giants or will the efforts go down the drain? Only time will tell the real answer to this, but for now you can use the comment section below to explain your thoughts on this acquisition. :P

The daily list of new topics in 2011-05-02

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Daftar topik yang ditambahkan setiap hari pada tanggal 2011-05-02

  1. Hukum Wasiat Dan Dalilnya ( Indonesia )
  2. Tata Cara Shalat dalam Pesawat ( Indonesia )
  3. Waasithah (Perantara) ( Indonesia )
  4. Hukum Onani ( Indonesia )
  5. Ketetapan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala ( Indonesia )

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